Thank you for using BPMix!

This page is here to help you with any questions or issues you might have.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is BPMix?

A: BPMix is a music app that helps you discover songs based on their BPM (beats per minute). You can also calculate the BPM of songs you’re listening to and create playlists effortlessly.

Q: How does BPMix recommend songs?

A: BPMix uses the Spotify API to provide high-quality recommendations tailored to your selected BPM. You’ll find songs that match your desired tempo, making it easy to build playlists with a consistent vibe.

Q: Do I need a Spotify account?

A: No, a Spotify account is not required to use BPMix. You can enjoy the BPM calculation feature and receive song recommendations without logging into Spotify.

Q: Why am I seeing ads?

A: BPMix is supported by ads to keep it free for users. Banner ads appear on the BPM screen, and interstitial ads show after every five song recommendations on the recommendation screen.


Issue with BPM Calculation

If the BPM isn’t showing accurately, try tapping more consistently or press the reset button.

Song Recommendations Not Loading

Check your internet connection and ensure your Spotify account is linked properly.